Monday, January 28, 2013

GIRLS Announcement!

Hiya folks!

As promised we are hard at work on our next project, and this one entitled GIRLS. the massive book will contain female characters from all genres and types from what we love from video games, shows, cartoons, etc... This book will be a year long endeavor collecting some of the finest fanart chicas we can think of spread across the pages ;)

However, during the development cycle, we'll do something a tad different. Unlike previous installments, were we teased the whole contents months leading to the release, we'll be sharing with you (granted smaller size) 80% of the content on this blog as well as on our personal art galleries and 20% exclusive material to the book!

Hamz was kinda enough to create a mock-up cover for the event:

As well he's already hard at work on the content itself and here's a few more preview images for you to eat up.


P.S. we would like to thank the ones that donated recently towards our cause, great appreciated and a big thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Woah, this project look awesome, I really curious to see more about this new book... Good luck... ^^
