Sunday, September 29, 2013

[Announcement] Canonized - A Saints Row Tribute book!

Officially announcing another book to accompany the DOA tribute project.

To be released at the same time, it'll be of course a tribute to all the main ladies for all the 4 Saints Row titles. As before this book will be completely free and will come out around the same time as DoA book that hamz is currently spearheading - both will be released in winter 2013!

Enjoy the tease! :D

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

[Announcement] DOA Ultimate Tribute + Girls update!

Hi everyone!

We knows its been quite some time we've posted updates on this blog, however many factors came into play in regards to this, but most importantly: Life.

So moving forward, the team did some restructuring around this principle and we've decided to can move big and super ambitious projects, much like the GIRLS mag that was slated to come out by the end of this year. Instead, we'll be focusing on my smaller projects and try to limit our anything extremely large and push out more items to everyone.

In regards to the girls book itself, I (Ultamisia) have reposted my pics in higher resolutions on my art galleries and removed the banners. For Hamz, he's considering putting his stuff within its own PDF.

But to happily follow up, we're announcing a Dead or Alive tribute book, simply entitled:

Dead or Alive Ultimate Tribute

We're planning to distribute this by before end of the year 2013. Who knows, we might have other smaller projects lined up! :D


Sunday, July 21, 2013

GIRLS Update 15

Hi Everyone,

Apologies for the lack of updates, been really busy IRL, hope you enjoy this one!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

GIRLS Update 14

Hi folks,
 Here's a content update for the GIRLS mag:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

GIRLS Update 13

Hi folks,
Here's a content update for the GIRLS mag:

Saturday, June 1, 2013

GIRLS Update 12

Hi folks,
Here's a content update for the GIRLS mag:

Friday, May 24, 2013

GIRLS Update 11

Hi folks,
Here's a content update for the GIRLS mag:

Friday, May 10, 2013

GIRLS Update 10

Hi folks,
Here's a content update for the GIRLS mag:

Saturday, May 4, 2013

BLOG Exclusive - GIRLS update 2

Hi Everyone,
Here's our second exclusive piece of artwork for the blog that we wont post anywhere else (aside from the book):


Saturday, April 27, 2013

GIRLS Update 9

Hi folks,
Here's a content update for the GIRLS mag:


Friday, April 19, 2013

GIRLS Update 8

Hi folks,
Here's another content update for the GIRLS mag:


Friday, April 12, 2013

GIRLS Update 7 + OC Pin-ups

Hi folks,
Here's another content update for the GIRLS mag:

We'll be also post images of our OC, since they are our bread and butter and can expect more art within the updates!


Saturday, April 6, 2013

GIRLS Update 6

Hi folks,

Here's another content update for the GIRLS mag:


Monday, April 1, 2013

Ashana and Vas Boon Boom

So we thought that the article items on the cover were completely absurd and people would get the April Fool' joke..but guess not lol

So to clarify: Fornax 3 cover was the joke! :D we're unfortunately not making a third one as previously stated.

We're currently focusing on the GIRLS book, which will have some ME stuff in there and if artists want to join in, they could!  But we decided to go all out on the cover (light and camera effects) and we're pleased how it turned out :D


Lineart and Base Tones - Hamz
Colors and Effects - Ulta

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

BLOG Exclusive - GIRLS update 1

Hi Everyone,

Here's our first exclusive piece of artwork for the blog that we wont post anywhere else (aside from the book):


GIRLS Update 5

Hi folks,

Here's another content update for the GIRLS mag:


Sunday, March 10, 2013

GIRLS Update 4

Hi folks,

Here's another content update for the GIRLS mag:

Here's an update of the girls we'll be takling in the book:


Saturday, March 2, 2013

GIRLS Content List

Hey everyone,

Attached is a tentative list of things we'll be doing for the GIRLS book due out at the end of the year. As mentioned though, this is still tentative and will depend on our personal time and what we can do. New additions might be added to this and some ideas might be axed :S


Thursday, February 28, 2013

GIRLS Update 3

Here's an update on the GIRLS book:

Marvel's She-Hulk by: Hamz:

Friday, February 22, 2013

GIRLS Update 2

Here's an update on the GIRLS book:

Soul Calibur's Ivy
by: Hamz


Monday, February 4, 2013

GIRLS Update 1

Here's an update on the GIRLS book:

X-men's Psylocke by: Hamz


Monday, January 28, 2013

GIRLS Announcement!

Hiya folks!

As promised we are hard at work on our next project, and this one entitled GIRLS. the massive book will contain female characters from all genres and types from what we love from video games, shows, cartoons, etc... This book will be a year long endeavor collecting some of the finest fanart chicas we can think of spread across the pages ;)

However, during the development cycle, we'll do something a tad different. Unlike previous installments, were we teased the whole contents months leading to the release, we'll be sharing with you (granted smaller size) 80% of the content on this blog as well as on our personal art galleries and 20% exclusive material to the book!

Hamz was kinda enough to create a mock-up cover for the event:

As well he's already hard at work on the content itself and here's a few more preview images for you to eat up.


P.S. we would like to thank the ones that donated recently towards our cause, great appreciated and a big thank you!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Stuffed on Cracked! :O

First it was mister Casey Hudson, but now we have even though its a brief mention, still a funny as hell mention, the Thundecats stuff is showcased.Here's the copy and paste of the section found on the site, here's the snippet:

"Thanks to the Internet, the average modern teenager has seen more nudity than an orgiastic Roman emperor with X-ray vision. We've realized that human genitals are like LEGO: lots of fun to put together, and if you get bored with all the possible combinations, you can buy extra bits to connect. But this ability to screw absolutely everything has spilled over into, well, absolutely everything. For example: The '80s aren't just nostalgia, they're subconscious urges that have been stewing in hormones for 30 years.
Duelist Studios (NSFW)
It still gets longer when he shouts, but gives her an unfortunate double meaning for "Thundercats, ho!"
Sex has leaked into science fiction. And just like science fiction warned us, the real madness begins when this stuff escapes into the real world.
(All links in this article are obviously, ludicrously NSFW, unless your job is making these things.)

Thanks to Supro for spotting this!
Enjoy! XD

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Hope everyone had a good one!

As we've been busy with friends and family it's now time to get back to work! We do have some personal projects we do need to finish up still left on our plate, but rest assured we're working on exclusive content for the blog! so stay tuned!

Tanks again for the people who donated to our cause! We've update the button to something more playfull and appealing :D

See you all soon!