Wednesday, March 20, 2013

BLOG Exclusive - GIRLS update 1

Hi Everyone,

Here's our first exclusive piece of artwork for the blog that we wont post anywhere else (aside from the book):


GIRLS Update 5

Hi folks,

Here's another content update for the GIRLS mag:


Sunday, March 10, 2013

GIRLS Update 4

Hi folks,

Here's another content update for the GIRLS mag:

Here's an update of the girls we'll be takling in the book:


Saturday, March 2, 2013

GIRLS Content List

Hey everyone,

Attached is a tentative list of things we'll be doing for the GIRLS book due out at the end of the year. As mentioned though, this is still tentative and will depend on our personal time and what we can do. New additions might be added to this and some ideas might be axed :S
