Monday, October 29, 2012

Art updates!


we're going to start posting up pics and content we've done with our OC's. Some will be exclusive some will just be general art we do around the several communities we're part of, but mainly post up here: Lush Artists

The picture below was part of the site's monthly jam piece. The theme was a candid moment and thought it would be an awesome time to draw up my OC with her love interest from the Double Barrel book, which can be found HERE! :D

We'll have plenty more to showcase to you in the coming weeks.


Monday, October 22, 2012

General Update

Hi Everyone!

I'm here to give you updates on several key things the studios is gearing up or could be gearing up in the next couple of months.

Double Barrel
I'll start it off with the Double Barrel project, as its been little over a week since it's release and it's managed to nab around 1400 downloads so far. A pretty good sign in terms of numbers however, as per our previous books, little feedback was given and we would like to know what you think of the issue!

Another big thank you for the people who donated towards the cause using the donation button! <3

 Next Project(s)
Panty Hamster has been hard at work finishing up the next book that will be released under our banner, this one will be fanart oriented Thundercats: Passions of Thundera. As per the title, this book will encompass works related to the cartoon with all it's female glory! Set to release late Fall 2012, Hamz created a teaser image for you all to see:

With that puppy getting released soon, we started thinking of other book projects to do. But keep in mind these are just ideas and by no means would they be officially created! This is just something that we would like to do and could possibly happen given the right circumstance:
  • Borderlands
  • Dead or Alive
  • Halo Tribute book
  • General Girls of Gaming book

 Fornax Vol.3?
Many of you have been asking for this across a bunch of sites, including our old blog, the status of the next installment of Fornax. After reviewing how the last one did, in terms of numbers it ended up way better then the first by a lot.  But, we're concerned how the  real reception went after it got released. So me and Hamz needed to address this:  

There will NOT be a 3rd Fornax anytime soon, at least not made by us! As this is was a fan project, if anyone else desires to make one, by all means go for it! We don't technically own Fornax per say. We just took an Easter egg found in ME2 and decided to go with it. We're fans of the series and made for the fans.

Does this mean, we'll never go back to it? nope. There's always a possibility that we might do a third one at some point, but for now we want to focus on other things. 

We would like to thank the people that did support us through the entire project and recognized the hard work that was put into it and all the artists and writers involved!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Double Barrel out NOW!

Hey Folks,

As our second post, we'd like to introduce our first original content book to the public under the studios banner:

 and at the price of: NOTHING! Zero, notta, free! Mainly due to many of the online retailers weren't as good as we'd hoped, so instead we setup a donate button of the right side of the blog. People can support us that way!

This book features two main short stories involving our main Original Characters we've been drawing through out the years.  We've also included exclusive pin-ups for you to gawk at. As per our other books, it remains as a .PDF file, which weights around 36 megs (high resolution images )

Hope you all like our efforts put into this book and feedback always welcome!

More updates will follow! keep in touch by subscribing! 

Duelist Studios

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Welcome Everyone!!

Hello everyone!
Before anyone of you freak out or wonder what happened to the fornax page and mags: it’s technically still there in the tabs above! As we’re growing in terms of projects as a 2 man(ish) studio, we’ve decided to focus of the Duelist Studios name and bring everything we’ve done along.
With that being said, welcome to the new blog! :)

We’re still working hard on our next ventures in the realm of art (erotic and non) Since this is our first posting, we’d like to introduce our next project that will be released VERY soon actually. Friday October 12th 2012! This new book, at a small price, will feature around 30 plus pages of erotic short stories involving our own Original Characters, called: Double Barrel

This is just a sample of things to come as we’re constantly expanding our knowledge base and partnerships of all kinds. We’re even looking into making this blog into an official site! 

We’ll keep you posted on our developments and what’s coming up! Keep a close watch on this blog and thanks for stopping by!

Duelist Studios